Saturday, December 15, 2012

Highlights on HAF

As you know, I belong to a group called Handmade Artists Forum. I wanted to tell you about one of the great features they have there that are called Highlights. What are Highlights you ask? Well, if you've ever been (or sold) on etsy you're probably familiar with their treasuries. Highlights are the same thing. It's a place where other artists feature things they love. A bonus of the Highlights feature is that they have contests for them! They pick a theme, you make a Highlight (or four or five) using that theme and they pick a winner!! How fun is that? 

One thing I love about Highlights is that it allows you to see items you may not even run across while you're looking through HAF. There are SO many goodies so undoubtedly you haven't seen them all! And of course they're a lot of fun to make. 

Here are a couple of examples of Highlights made but HAF members.

Hunter Green & Cranberry by Wyndwalker Creations


Finding Charm said...

The egghead santas are funny!

Unknown said...

One of my favorite highlights! Nice post!!
Kris aka Reflections

Karen and Dakota said...

Great post. Thank you for using my highlight.

Wyndwalker Creations Blog

Unknown said...

love it!!!