Thursday, May 13, 2010

What To Do?

I need some advice.  I've noticed that although my character blankies are absolutely adorable (if I do say so myself) and I have gotten quite a few compliments on them, they're not selling well.  So what do I need to do to make them more appealing? Change the description? Better pictures? List them separately? If you think I should do any or all of these things, please let me know your opinions and what you think will make them move. If you think I should take better pictures, how would you "pose" them? I'm so not creative at this type of thing.


Tam Sesto said...

I'm like you, I don't understand why these are not selling. How about a pic with a child using one. Are you including sizes in description as well as making sure their baby proof.

Lil' Bit Sassy said...

Yes, Tam, I have included sizes and said how they're safe for babies in my description. I think if I had pictures of a child holding one it would help, but alas, no children here!

Lisa said...

I agree about finding someone to pose with one. Maybe people don't understand that they are more for cuddling than to use as an actual blanket. Maybe call them "Binkie Buddies" or something like that. They are super adorable though, and I'm enjoying your blog. Love the little bat doll.

Lil' Bit Sassy said...

That's a good idea to rename them. Maybe Cuddle Buddies?